We know that luxury brands are basically from Europe, the United States, such as LouisVuitton, Gucci,Replica Chanel Handbags, Fendi,Replica Burberry Handbags, Prada, Dior, etc., there are not many people actually knowing it decades ago (our country is still mixing at that time) Food and clothing) At that time, only the royals, nobles, tycoons and other high-class people in Europe and the United States purchased and used it. Until the 1970s, when capital was stationed, large-scale commercialization began, and professional international marketing was carried out. The process has officially opened, and more and more middle- and upper-class people and middle class are beginning to get in touch with luxury goods. The customer base of luxury goods has increased the “occasional use of customers” from “common customers”. “Occasional use of customers”, although the amount of personal purchases is small, but the base is huge, and since then, the crazy expansion of luxury goods has begun.
Although the consumer population of luxury goods has become more and more popular, the price positioning of Fake Luxury Handbags (increasing prices every year), craftsmanship, and quality have not changed, which is why ordinary consumers have a gap in the purchase of luxury goods. Especially in China. We Chinese people came from a poor road and then became rich, and the concept of shopping did not undergo a transitional transformation.
For example, if I spend 200 pieces to buy a sweater and wear it for 2 years, then I will buy 2000 sweaters. It should be worn for at least 7 or 8 years. This is the difference.